(02) 6382 5217 (available 24/7) admin@pattersonbrothersfunerals.com.au

<< Arrangements: Before the service

Arrangements: On the day of the service


By now, we have worked closely with you and will be beside you every step of the way. As part of our service to the family, we offer the use of a mourning car. This service is usually offered to the immediate family, and alleviates the worry of how to get to and from the service.


If chosen during making arrangements, one of our kind staff will collect you from an agreed location, and convey you to the place of service, then to the cemetery and then back home or to a chosen venue for refreshments.


We will do our best to ensure everything comes together the way you had hoped. Even if something unforeseen happens, our calm and experienced team will ensure a respectful and fitting farewell.