(02) 6382 5217 (available 24/7) admin@pattersonbrothersfunerals.com.au

Mr Douglas Harold Foreman better known as Doug or Harry

Passed away peacefully at home on Friday 19th August 2016. Much loved husband of Jan. Devoted father and father in law of Alan and Elsa. Cherished Grandfather of Walter, Ben and Eda. Late of Brock Street, Young.

Aged 77 Years

Rest In Peace

A Catholic Prayer service to celebrate Doug’s life will be held Tuesday 23rd August 2016, in St Mary’s Catholic Church Young, commencing at 11.00am.
The cortege will then leave for the Young Lawn Cemetery.
Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Members of the Young Lions Club are requested to attend to form a guard of honour.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made at the Church to the Ronald McDonald House in memory of Doug.