(02) 6382 5217 (available 24/7) admin@pattersonbrothersfunerals.com.au

Mr Maxwell Bede Neylan better known as Bede

Much loved husband of Eunice (deceased), loved step father of Garry, Fay, Lynn, Gay, Sue, Allan, Michael, Jim, and Bev and sadly missed by their families. Late of Miro Street, Young.

Aged 93 Years

Rest In Peace

A service to celebrate Bede’s life will be held Friday 20th May 2016, in St John’s Anglican Church Young, commencing at 11.30am.

The cortege will then leave for the Young Lawn Cemetery.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Ex-service personnel are invited to attend wearing medals to form a guard of honour.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made at the Church to Legacy.