(02) 6382 5217 (available 24/7) admin@pattersonbrothersfunerals.com.au

Mr Ross Leonard Wark

Passed away suddenly at home Thursday 3rd November 2016. Much loved husband of Anne (deceased). Devoted father of twins Adam and Michael (deceased) and Adam, Karen and Jeni. Cherished Granddad of Annie, Matilda, Olivia, Evie, Gus, Vinnie and Lenny. Loved brother of Jan, Jack, Kevin and Joy. Late of ‘Jakmaur’ Warks Road, Young.

Aged 65 Years

Rest In Peace

A Requiem Mass to celebrate Ross’s life will be held Friday 11th November 2016 in St Mary’s Catholic Church Young, commencing at 11.00am.
The cortege will then leave for the Young Lawn Cemetery.
Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made at the Church to the Young Branch of CanAssist.