What we need to know
To complete the registration with the Department of Births, Deaths & Marriages we need the following information. This must be answered to the best of your ability.
- Surname now & Surname at Birth
- Christian Name(s)
- Date of Birth
- Date of Death
- Occupation
- Where the deceased was born – if overseas, what year did they arrive in Australia
- Marital Status
- Where they were married and if they were married more than once
- Age at marriage(s)
- Include a Defacto relationship
- Children of the marriage
- Dates of birth for each child and age today (include any child that may be deceased)
- Parents of the deceased
- Fathers full name and occupation
- Mothers full name and maiden name
- Was the deceased retired
- Were they on a Pension
- What type of Pension eg Aged, Invalid or Veterans
- Indigenous Status
If the deceased was a Return Serviceman or Woman, their DVA card and a copy of their discharge paper would be helpful in submitting a claim on your behalf with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The discharge paper will be useful in applying for the emblem for the service they were attached to eg AIF, which can be attached to their memorial plaque in the cemetery or columbarium in their memory. More information: NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages